What can you do about a runny nose?

You sniff at it and you can’t drag the paper tissues around. You have a runny nose! A runny nose is usually harmless, but irritating. But what causes a runny nose and how do you solve it? In this blog we tell you more.

What is a runny nose?

You not only breathe through your mouth, but also through your nose. Your nose is an important organ for your breathing. The inside of your nose has a layer of mucous membrane with hairs. These hairs filter the air you breathe through your nose.

Your nose is in contact with cavities in your head. These cavities are also lined with mucous membrane. Under normal circumstances, this mucous membrane produces moisture to moisten your nose. The fluid is drained into the nasal opening and either evaporates or forms a small amount of secretion. With a runny nose, the mucous membrane produces a large amount of fluid, in other words: (colored) discharge. The discharge runs out of your nose, so that’s a runny nose.

chronic runny nose

Everyone has a runny nose from time to time, but some people have a chronic runny nose. You speak of a chronic runny nose when you suffer from:

  • a runny nose
  • A stuffy nose
  • To sneeze
  • Itching in your nose

The solution to a chronic runny nose can sometimes be simple. Do you smoke? Then stopping may already help. Do you regularly use nasal sprays based on xylometazoline or oxymetazoline? This medicine can damage your nasal mucosa, which can make you dependent on the nasal spray. Therefore, never use xylometazoline or oxymetazoline for longer than 7 days. Also check if you have allergies, even if you have never had allergies before. Allergies can also develop later in life. Also, be sure to clean your bedroom every week. Do you continue to suffer from a chronic runny nose? Then go to your doctor.

Symptoms of a runny nose

A runny nose has several symptoms. You don’t necessarily have to have all of these symptoms to say you have a runny nose:

  • Excess fluid in your nose
  • Stuffy nose
  • To sneeze
  • shortness of breath

What Causes a Runny Nose?

A runny nose can have several causes. If you feel sick while having a runny nose, you probably have a viral infection. Here are the causes of a runny nose:

  • Hypersensitivity to irritants, such as dust and pollen
  • Drug use, especially cocaine
  • Flu
  • Pregnancy
  • old age
  • Exercise, such as running or cycling
  • Change of temperature, for example when you go outside
  • Smoke from fire, incense, candles or cigarettes
  • Exhaust gases
  • Alcohol
  • Perfume or air freshener
  • cooking smell
  • paint air

If you regularly suffer from a runny nose, it is a good idea to take a critical look at this list. Your runny nose may be caused by something on this list.

How long does a runny nose last?

Fortunately, a runny nose usually does not last long. On average, a runny nose is gone after seven days. Often you do not need medication. If it lasts longer than seven days, you may be allergic to something, or the runny nose may be due to some other cause. A visit to the doctor is then necessary.

What can you do about a runny nose?

There are several things you can do to relieve the symptoms of your runny nose. Below we give you several tips:

  • Spicy food
  • Avoid Certain Nasal Sprays
  • Stop smoking
  • Don’t muzzle too often

Spicy food

If you eat spicy food, your nose will usually run more and your eyes will water, as a kind of hypersensitivity. After that, the spicy food actually helps to open your cavities. Try it. Even if you’re not a fan of spicy food, you probably experience your meal as a relief!

Avoid Certain Nasal Sprays

Have you ever heard of nasal spray addiction? This specifically concerns nasal spray with xylometazoline or oxymetazoline. These substances thin your nasal mucosa so that you can breathe more freely. If you use this occasionally, it’s okay. But if you use xylometazoline or oxymetazoline for more than a week, the nasal mucosa gets damaged and you get nasal symptoms again. You then need more and more xylometazoline or oxymetazoline. You then become addicted. Some people even need surgery to get rid of their addiction. So use nasal sprays with these substances in moderation!

Stop smoking

When you smoke, your nasal mucosa becomes irritated. This will give you a runny nose faster. So don’t just try to quit smoking, but also avoid areas where other people smoke. In addition, quitting smoking is of course good for general health

Don’t blow too often

You may need to blow a lot, but blowing puts a lot of pressure on your nasal passages. This can make them inflamed, making you more prone to a runny nose.

Stop a runny nose

A runny nose is usually harmless. It is usually caused by the flu or allergies. A runny nose often goes away on its own, but you can ease the symptoms with our tips. If your runny nose persists, you may have a chronic runny nose. Then go to the doctor.

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